Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Photography Censorship

My new favorite website, digg, once again had a great article on photography. It was titled, Military Kicks Out Embedded Blogger For Photographing Marine Killed in A Suicide Bombing in Iraq. It's pretty much self explanatory. Zoriah Miller, a photojournalist in Iraq took a picture of a fallen Marine on June 26. After posting the picture on his blog, he received a letter from the military for his dismissal.

Last week, I blogged about art in the times of war. However I didn't cover censorship. Since he was a photojournalist, and he did take the proper precautions in releasing the photo, I see no problem with it besides the fact that the army wants to keep things under wrap. Read the article and decide for yourself.

1 comment:

OC said...


Great to see you are faithfully blogging! (I also love the Post Secret idea and have used it in classes, too). Regarding photography, I just read a book called The Soiling of Old Glory. It's the history of a very famous photograph from 1976 and the author also talks about photography as propaganda and spends a little time on censorship. You might really love it. Also the AIC has a great photo exhibit up called The Mind at Play.