Being bored, and needing one more blog post, I searched the Internet for anything interesting. One site I found is from the history channel, "this day in history." Today (or yesterday at this point), January 7 was a historic day in 1789. Today, 219 years ago, the first presidential elections were held. This was monumental for our country in its infancy. According to the article, only white men who owned property were aloud to vote in that election. Back then they started the Electoral College system, which we still use today. I feel this is so relevant because now, in 2008, we are currently undergoing the beginning stages of a new presidency. The Iowa Caucasus were last Thursday, and the New Hampshire ones are tomorrow.
Since our first elections, I think we've come a long way. We have 50 states now instead of 13. We have things like electronic voting machines, poll watchers and precincts. Also blacks, women and non-property owners are allowed to vote. But the core essence of democracy is still the same. We vote for who we believe can effectively run the country. Although the technology of running the polling stations has improved, have we as a country evolved? Historically we have been less than enthusiastic about voting. According to George Mason University, voter turnout peaked at about 63% in the 1960's election. We take the right to vote for granted, and don't see it as an privledge, not a right. I think Americans should step up and take charge of the country. In 219 years if we haven't seen much improvement, there is something wrong. If we want our country to remain free and productive, we have to vote for the right people to lead our nation.
Since our first elections, I think we've come a long way. We have 50 states now instead of 13. We have things like electronic voting machines, poll watchers and precincts. Also blacks, women and non-property owners are allowed to vote. But the core essence of democracy is still the same. We vote for who we believe can effectively run the country. Although the technology of running the polling stations has improved, have we as a country evolved? Historically we have been less than enthusiastic about voting. According to George Mason University, voter turnout peaked at about 63% in the 1960's election. We take the right to vote for granted, and don't see it as an privledge, not a right. I think Americans should step up and take charge of the country. In 219 years if we haven't seen much improvement, there is something wrong. If we want our country to remain free and productive, we have to vote for the right people to lead our nation.
I think its sad that people who are eligible to vote dont take advantage of it. I heard no the news today that only 20% of voters are expected to show up to the Michigan polls tomorrow. Thats insane! I don't see how it is fair for so many people to criticize our government when they wont go and vote for the people they'd rather have.
I agree with samio. Thousands have given their lives just so we could still have the right to vote. Take advantage of it. You should always vote if given the oppurtunity. Not many are.
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