Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Without Memories There Is No Future

Today in class we listened to a podcast about memories. We listened to the in and outs of how they are formed, but more importantly we learned about a drug that 'erases' memories. The hosts explained how the drug was first tested on rats using a technique similar to Pavlov's dog. Then the researchers realized they were able to erase a memory after it was made. Having this power is very controversial, and I wished we had more time to talk about it in class today.
The power to erase or alter memories used to be something straight out of a science fiction movie. But now that technology and medicine are advancing at alarming rates, it's a reality. I agree with Stephanie when she said this drug should never be used. Personally I believe that it should never even be made because of the possibility of abuse. Also I want to bring up the point about how all we are is a string of memories. What is seperating me from a random girl on the street? Nothing really except our experiences and the memories we keep from them. Some people want to bring up how these memories are not completely gone, just lessened a little bit. But the fact of the matter is that our history is not only our memories, but how we respond and react to them. Taking away the emotion of the memory is almost as bad as taking away the memory itself. I definately do not approve of this drug even in extreme cases.


Brandon said...

I completely agree that this event will be one of the most controversial topics of the coming years, and that memories constituent a very big portion of what defines a person, but I think that if a person isn't abusing this "memory" injection, it wouldn't really be that bad. If it were only be given to people who have fought in wars or raped to remove those painful memories, individuality really be effected that much, and the relief of the stress on the victims would be worth it.

Jarvis said...

I agree with Brandon. Like any kind of medicine, using it too much will eventually kill you. And in this case, if not physically, then emotionally. But my what I wanted to say is that its a different circumstance when you are talking about a holocaust victim, or someone thats been raped, or an abused child. Some of these people will never be able to trust anyone else, ever again. And they may become these criminals themselves.