Looking on Bolos/O'Connor's blog, I spotted something interesting on the del.icio.us page. It was an article titled Blogging Helps Encourage Teen Writing. It talks about how having a blog is beneficial to writing. The survey was conducted by Pew Research and "teen bloggers, however, write more frequently both online and offline, the study says." Blogs can not guarantee that a teenager's writing skills improve, but it does prove that we write more. Blogging is also beneficial because it helps bridge that gap between formal and informal writing. The article says things like ;), LOL, and <3 have crept into formal writing. Blogging is also good because teens can write about whatever they want. They are not writing for a school assignment (mostly) so there is no pressure. It is a form of creative writing instead of a research paper for instance. Another reason blogs are so popular is because teens like writing for an audience. Around February, I added the Visitors to my Blog application with the blog. Recently, a bunch of hits popped up and I have around 15 hits from around the country. I think it's really rewarding that people who I've never met from places I've never been want to read what I have to say. Overall, I love the blogs, and AiS classes should do them next year. =)